The Causes and Treatment Yersinosis

Yersinosis is an infectious disease caused by bacteria of the genus Yersina. In the United States according to the Centers fo Disesase Control and Prevention, many sick people is caused by one species, Y. enterocolitica. Infection Y. enterocolitica can cause a variety of symptoms depending on age and infection. These infections often attack children.

Way through the route of transmission of this disease by consuming food and orofekol minumam contaminated by infected humans or animals. Y. enterocolitica. These bacteria are often found in raw pork meat and food products made ​​from pork.
Common symptoms in children are fever and diarrhea. Symptoms develop 4-7 days after attacked.

If not a complication of diarrhea is usually cured without antibiotic treatment. However, in cases of severe complications or infections should be given antibiotics such as aminoglycosides, doxycycline, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, or fluoroquinolones.

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